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Plagiarism Checker
for Copywriters

Copywriters put their reputations on the line with every piece of content they write, so a second line of defense is critical. Enter Quetext, the most powerful plagiarism checker on the internet.

Check My Content for Plagiarism

Why use Quetext over other
plagiarism detection tools?

Avoid all types of plagiarism

Plagiarism comes in many forms, some direct and intentional, others completely by accident. And even professional copywriters with the best training and intentions can mess up.

From source-based plagiarism, to poor paraphrasing and other types of accidental plagiarism , there’s a lot to think about when writing (and accepting) original copy.

Quetext’s advanced algorithm uses ColorGrade™ feedback to identify all types of plagiarism , revealing instances of exact vs. fuzzy matches and any at-risk copy.

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Cite sources without slowing down

By the time copywriters are ready to put their work through a plagiarism checker , their deadline is fast approaching. With Quetext’s built-in citation generator, not only does the technology identify where you need a citation, but it also generates it for you without slowing you down.

Seamlessly add MLA, APA, or Chicago citations where needed and without worrying about nit-picky details and formatting requirements that differ from source to source. Simply input the information, and Quetext does the rest.

Submit your content with confidence

Quetext's sophisticated detection tool uses DeepSearch™ Technology to identify any content that might be plagiarized. To do so, the plagiarism checker runs text through these three steps:

  • Contextual Analysis
  • Fuzzy Matching
  • Conditional Scoring
  • Spelling Checker
  • Grammar Checker (beta)

Using Quetext, both writer and client can verify that the final content is 100% unique, allowing content writers and businesses to be confident and happy with the work.

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How you can avoid plagiarizing


Know the types of plagiarism (and the consequences)

Plagiarism isn't always as cut-and-dry as copy and pasting someone else’s work into your own and claiming it as yours. There are many types of plagiarism, and understanding them (and their consequences) is imperative to being a working copywriter.

To name a few...

  • Direct plagiarism (word-for-word copying)
  • Patchwork plagiarism (when writers combine exact phrases from multiple sources without acknowledging the original authors)
  • Self-plagiarism (when writers reuse their own work)
  • Source-based plagiarism (when writers provide false sources or fail to include citations)

Of course, all types of plagiarism are grounds for immediate dismissal. However, direct and patchwork plagiarism are typically viewed as the most severe and will guarantee a major hit to your reputation, if not the total inability to work as a copywriter again.

Always cite your sources

Including citations is critical for several reasons. From acknowledging other authors' work to providing context or offering readers the ability to dive further into the subject matter, citations do a lot to give your writing credibility. Additionally, citations allow readers to verify your information, and as a result, strengthen the trust between reader and writer.

Not providing sufficient citations (or formatting them incorrectly) results in unintentional plagiarism. Quetext's built-in citation generator makes it easy for writers to accurately cite their sources without slowing down their writing process. Quetext does this by having their software identify the passages that require a citation and then automatically generating citations in the format needed, be it APA, MLA, or Chicago-style.

Verify your work with a plagiarism checker

While most writers don't intend to plagiarize, sometimes mistakes can slip through the cracks, especially when working on a tight deadline. When writers use a reliable plagiarism checker prior to handing in their work, they can avoid accusations and be confident that their writing is unique, high-quality, and safe for review.

Plagiarism Checker for Copywriters FAQ

What are the consequences of plagiarism in the professional world?

Even if you unintentionally plagiarize content, you still risk being fired from your copywriting position. As a professional writer, your reputation rests on your ability to provide high-quality, original writing, so having a record of providing duplicate content will negatively impact your ability to land other copywriting jobs in the future.

Why do copywriters plagiarize?

Most copywriters don't intentionally plagiarize. Still, it can be easy to duplicate certain ideas from another source or leave out a critical citation if writers don't budget their time appropriately. When rushing to meet a deadline, some writers may accidentally overlook mistakes and plagiarize without ever meaning to.

Do copywriters use plagiarism checkers?

Most professional writers use plagiarism checkers to double-check their work before passing it on to their editor or client. Good copywriters understand the importance of original content and want to be 100% confident that there are no potential issues with their work—if there is an issue, it's much better to find out and fix it before submitting it to their client.

What is the SEO impact of duplicate content?

Search engines do not like duplicate content! It essentially confuses Google and other search engines, making it difficult to determine which piece of content to rank. It’s highly likely that you’ll lose traffic and ranking from trying to publish duplicate content on the internet, so this is something to be extra wary of when providing and/or accepting copy for your website.

What are the best copywriting tools?

Many writers use Grammarly to help with proofreading, fixing grammatical errors, sentence structure, readability, word count, and so forth. While the free version is a great tool to have for writing grammatically correct content, you’ll also want to include a plagiarism checker in your final stages of the writing process. Quetext provides the most advanced plagiarism-checking algorithm on the internet at no to low cost. You can try it out for free, and if you need more, the most you’ll ever pay is $10/month.

Is there a free plagiarism checker for copywriters?

There is! Depending on how much content you need to check with a plagiarism checker, Quetext offers simple, fair pricing, with both a free and paid version of the platform. The free version is great if you just need a one-off article checked here and there. However, the paid version is only $9.99/month, allowing up to 100,000 words of content analysis, access to the built-in citation generator, premium customer support, and more.

What is a famous example of plagiarism?

There are many examples of plagiarism. One of the more famous examples is when psychologist and tenured professor René Diekstra was accused of scientific plagiarism in a section in one of his science books. In 1997 when this happened, there wasn’t a solid universal definition of plagiarism, which complicated the lawsuit. Even without a concrete definition though, duplicating another’s work was not something taken lightly, and as a result, he had to step down from his position.
